Prairie Prophecy Survey Q1 2025 (1)

This survey is offered to representatives of various target audience groups due the pre-release time of the film.


Thank you for taking the time to watch a rough cut of our documentary, Prairie Prophecy.   Instructions: Please answer as many of the questions below as you’re able. It all helps us make a better film. We are grateful for whatever feedback you feel comfortable sharing.
From the following list, please select the category that suits you best.
I am involved in:
For the most part, the documentary held my attention from beginning to end.
Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree
Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree
Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree
There was a character, story, or moment that resonated with me emotionally.
Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree
a. If yes: what did you know about him? What would have motivated you to watch a film about his life and life’s work? b. If no: what aspects of this film were most engaging for you? What aspects of this film do you think would attract an audience – like you – of people who are not familiar with Wes’ life and work?

Thank you! We deeply appreciate your time and feedback!

Your contact information is optional

That said, if you are open to sharing your contact information, please do so. Please let us know if you are open to us contacting you, as your thoughts may assist us in improving the film.
May we contact you?
Due to time constraints, we are likely only going to contact a few people. Thank you for your willingness to participate.