by Mandeep Singh | Jun 5, 2023
Post-Submission Support: This can include assistance with: Negotiating an award contract. Challenging a scoring decision. Facilitating a debrief. Providing additional information if requested. Participate in or Assist in Prep for...
by Mandeep Singh | Jun 5, 2023
Partnership Development: Often necessary in grant applications to meet eligibility requirements, perform technical work or provide access to necessary resources. Our network includes potential partners in many related spaces, such as: Information Technology...
by Mandeep Singh | Jun 5, 2023
Opportunity Assessment: Dive deeper into any particular opportunity. Three primary options, or can customize based on your needs. Follow Up Call: Study the full solicitation and discuss details. Slide Deck: Create a presentation of the grant’s salient points. Key...
by Mandeep Singh | Jun 5, 2023
Project Development: We work with you to create compelling projects that address the elements that grant funders are looking for. Sustainability beyond the grant term. Impact to disadvantaged communities or populations. Reduction in greenhouse gases and mitigating...
by Mandeep Singh | Jun 5, 2023
Agency Liaison: Represent your organization to targeted agencies. Educate the agency about your organization/program/technology. Obtain agency notices, and attend agency events/workshops. Understand the agency’s priorities and project funding history. Develop...