Simplifying the Agrivoltaics
Market for Investors

Effective investments in agrivoltaics, the innovative and sustainable solution that combines agriculture with renewable energy.

We are dedicated to sourcing effective investments in agrivoltaics,
the innovative and sustainable solution that combines agriculture with renewable energy.

As an investor interested in this promising field, you will find all the information you need to make informed decisions and take advantage of the multiple benefits of this technology.

Agrivoltaics is a game-changing concept that integrates crops and/or grazing with well-established solar power generation, enabling farmers and ranchers to improve yields, diversify income streams and generate clean electricity.

$3.6 billion USD: Global agrivoltaics market value 2021

$11 billion USD: Projected value by 2030

12.15% Compound Annual Growth Rate

Renewable energy. Food security, Landuse optimization. Clean tech advance

Solar panels installed above crops, provide shade and wind protection to the plants. This reduces evaporation improving soil moisture, which leads to in higher yields, better crop quality, and long-term soil health.

Investing in agrivoltaics is a profitable opportunity and a responsible and ethical choice to safeguard our soil for generations to come. By supporting this technology, you are actively participating in the transition towards a more sustainable and resilient future, promoting food security, and reducing global carbon emissions and the local contamination of land and waterways.

We provide investors with access to a network of agrivoltaics experts, fellow investors, and knowledgeable stakeholders, who can support and guide you in your investment journey.

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We also work directly with farmers and ranchers so we can provide valuable insights from live projects and developing trends, supporting you to deploy your capital effectively.

Agrivoltaic Solutions

Solar arrays with crops

Solar arrays with crops, or agrivoltaics, maximize land use efficiency by combining solar energy production and agriculture. These systems enhance crop yields, conserve water, and generate clean energy, creating a sustainable synergy between renewable energy and agricultural practices.

Solar arrays with grazing

Solar arrays with grazing integrate renewable energy and sustainable agriculture, optimizing land use as livestock graze beneath the panels. Benefits include increased clean energy, improved soil health, reduced carbon footprint, and a harmonious coexistence of agriculture and renewable energy.

Bifacial solar fencing

Bifacial solar fencing combines renewable energy generation and perimeter protection, maximizing land use efficiency and enhancing security with dual-sided solar panels. It offers a sustainable solution that optimizes space while providing power and physical barrier functionality.

Solar arrays with pollinator grazing

Solar arrays with pollinator grazing provide renewable energy and support pollinator populations. By allowing native plants to grow beneath the panels, these systems create habitats and food sources for bees, and other pollinators, promoting ecosystem health and agricultural productivity.

Diversified income from solar vehicle charging

Diversified income from solar vehicle charging combines clean energy production with financial benefits. By using solar power to charge electric vehicles, individuals and businesses can reduce emissions, save on fuel costs, and potentially generate extra income by offering charging services.

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We are Planetary CARE

Our team of agrivoltaics experts are ready to support you with the information you need to deploy your capital effectively in agrivoltaics.

Click here to get the latest agrivoltaics inspiration with the Funding Regeneration newsletter.

We are Planetary CARE. Our Grant Agency supports farmers and ranchers to obtain funding for regenerative activities.

Simplifying the agrivoltaics market for investors