A Renewable energy program

Navigate the REAP Grant

The Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) grant offers farms access to funding for renewable energy systems and energy efficiency improvements. At Planetary CARE, we specialize in streamlining the application process, providing strategic guidance, and offering expert consultancy to ensure your farm capitalizes on the full benefits of the REAP grant.

Explore the video to the right for a comprehensive overview of the REAP program. Its benefits and insights extend beyond just Vermont.

About REAP

Rural Energy for America Program


As of April, 2023, the USDA now accepts grant applications quarterly, the amount that can be applied for is now $1,000,000 for new renewable and $500,000 for energy efficient changes. The total budget has increased to $1 billion.

Mission of REAP


The REAP grant promotes energy independence, rural economic growth, and environmental sustainability by making renewable energy systems and energy efficiency improvements more accessible.

Who is Eligible?

Check your
Rural Eligibility here.

The grant welcomes applications from individual farmers, rural small businesses, and agricultural producers located in areas with fewer than 50,000 inhabitants.

What Does it Cover?

REAP funds renewable energy systems like solar, wind, biomass, and geothermal, as well as energy efficiency improvements to lower operational costs.

Streamlined Application Process

Simplifying Complexity

We help to demystify the REAP application process, assisting you in preparing all necessary documentation, and ensuring your application stands the best chance for approval.

Strategic Consultancy

Maximizing Opportunities

Our team of experts guides you in identifying the most suitable energy systems for your specific needs, ensuring that you fully utilize the grant for maximum impact on your operation’s sustainability and bottom line.

Long-term Support

Beyond the Grant

Our partnership doesn’t end with the grant approval. We provide ongoing support to monitor your systems, optimize efficiency, and ensure your farm’s sustainable future.

Ready to Power Your Future with REAP?

Kickstart your sustainable transformation now. Fill out our quick eligibility assessment form to see if you’re a fit for the REAP grant. Don’t miss this chance to join the renewable energy revolution—your journey towards energy independence starts here.