We have the expertise to
support you at any stage of
funding, or throughout the
funding cycle.

Funding Research and Identification:

  • One-time or recurring work to get to know your needs and projects, technologies, partners and capabilities.
  • Locate relevant opportunities and present them to you for consideration in a sortable matrix format.

Agency Liaison

  • Represent your organization to targeted agencies.
  • Educate the agency about your organization/program/technology.
  • Educate the agency about your organization/program/technology.

Project Development:

  • Represent your organization to targeted agencies.
  • Educate the agency about your organization/program/technology.
  • Obtain agency notices, and attend agency events/workshops.

Opportunity Assessment:

  • Dive deeper into any particular opportunity.
  • Three primary options, or can customize based on your needs.
  • Follow Up Call: Study the full solicitation and discuss details.

Partnership Development:

  • Often necessary in grant applications to meet eligibility requirements, perform technical work or provide access to necessary resources.
  • Our network includes potential partners in many related spaces.

Post-Submission Support:

  • This can include assistance with:
  • Negotiating an award contract.
  • Challenging a scoring decision.

Application Development:

  • We support your organization in developing and submitting grant applications. We can do this in a lead, support or review-only role.
  • Lead: We will manage the application project and be the primary grant writer, coordinating all partners.

Technical or Market Research Report:

  • Assess competition.

Grant Management:

  • Once an award is received, We can manage or support you in managing the grant, which can include:
  • Project / Accounting Record-keeping .

Level of Support Needed:

  • We are flexible based on the level of support you need. Pretty much everything is possible. We can combine and adjust services to create a custom Scope of Work • One-time, as-needed.